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Liziane Bouvier, Ph.D., S-LP

Liziane Bouvier, Ph.D., S-LP

Chercheuse régulière, IURDPM-CRIR , Professeure adjointe, École des sciences de la communication humaine, Université McGill LIPS – Laboratory for Impaired Production of Speech


Université Mcgill

Liziane Bouvier, Ph.D., S-LP

Bouvier, L., Green, J. R., Tapia, C. B., Tilton-Bolowsky, V., Maffei, M. F., Fless, Z., … & Yunusova, Y. (2023). Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis–Bulbar Dysfunction Index–Remote: Test–Retest and Interrater Reliability of Candidate Items. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology32(4S), 1884-1900.  [doi]

BOUVIER, Liziane, MCKINLAY, Scotia, TRUONG, Justin, et al. Speech timing and monosyllabic diadochokinesis measures in the assessment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in Canadian French. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 2023, p. 1-11.  [doi]

Jafari, D., Simmatis, L., Guarin, D., Bouvier, L., Taati, B., & Yunusova, Y. (2023). 3D Video Tracking Technology in the Assessment of Orofacial Impairments in Neurological Disease: Clinical Validation. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR66(8S), 3151–3165. [doi]

Bouvier, L., Monetta, L., & Martel-Sauvageau, V. (2022). Speech rate increase in primary progressive apraxia of speech and its cost on articulatory accuracy. Clinical linguistics & phonetics36(10), 849–869.  [doi]

Macoir, J., Martel-Sauvageau, V., Bouvier, L., Laforce, R., & Monetta, L. (2021). Heterogeneity of repetition abilities in logopenic variant primary progressive aphasia. Dementia & neuropsychologia15(3), 405–412. [doi]  LIBRE ACCÈS

Axe de recherche

Axe 1 : Fonctions et activités sensorielles, motrices et cognitives

Professeure adjointe, École des sciences de la communication humaine, Université McGill LIPS – Laboratory for Impaired Production of Speech


Université Mcgill